National Night Out ‘23

Save the Date!

National Night Out
August 1, 2023

As American communities continue to struggle with prescription drug misuse, raising awareness about the risk of prescription drugs is critical to improving public health. Events that coordinate efforts between law enforcement and community organizations can raise public awareness about the risks of opioids and even create ripples of positive change.

Many communities are preparing for National Night Out on August 1, 2023. If your organization has an event scheduled for National Night Out and are interested in partnering with DisposeRx and receive donated packets, please reach out to us below. DisposeRx’s core focus is promoting medication safety best practices including medication disposal. Our small, easy to use drug disposal packets are perfect giveaways for booths at any community event and help raise awareness about public health and safety. In addition to free drug disposal packets, DisposeRx also has educational materials for event booths that can be downloaded from our website. Free downloads in English, Spanish, and French can help educate attendees about the importance of safe medication practices, potential dangers of improper medication storage, and in-home drug disposal.

Partnering with DisposeRx can promote responsible practices and prevent drug misuse in your community. We have a strong commitment to our partners which include pharmacies, health systems, health plans, substance use treatment centers and non-profits organizations, and in just the past four and a half years, helped distribute more than 34 million DisposeRx packets to patients and community members. If you represent a 501(c)3 organization, association, faith—based group, or foundation, consider becoming a community partner so we can work together to improve public health.

National Night Out 2023

For more information

National Night Out Official Website
Free Medication Disposal Education Materials

Partnerships to protect all family members … Even Pets

Reducing the risks of adverse medication events through education and proper disposal is only one aspect of keeping all family members safe. Joining with community partners, safety product manufacturers, and others in the healthcare industry helps DisposeRx, Inc. address many safety risks beyond prescription drug disposal.

Please contact DisposeRx, Inc. if your product could help us in our mission to reduce the risks associated with medications.

DisposeRx, Inc - Medication disposal logo
Enter ‘Self’ if you are not affiliated with a group, company, or organization.
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