Prescription Drug Disposal Key to Preventing Medicine Cabinet Hoarding

In November 2018 my husband was in a serious accident. As a result, he had a total of nine surgeries and countless other procedures. Throughout these additional surgeries and his recovery, he was prescribed everything from opioids to anti-nausea medications… and everything in between. Fortunately, he didn’t need to use even half of the medications that were prescribed to him, but that left us with a lot of unused medications taking up space in our bathroom cabinet.

Fast forward to earlier this month (nearly three years after my husband’s accident) when I spent an afternoon cleaning out our that bathroom cabinet. What did I find? All those bottles of unused prescription medications, still there, still untouched.

As I briefly considered just tossing all the bottles in the closest trash can, DisposeRx, a company I had recently been introduced to, came to mind. By using DisposeRx, I would not only be preventing misuse of the unused medications as they sat in our bathroom, but I’d also be ensuring that the medications were safely disposed of in a way that they could not be found or used in the future.

After acquiring a few packets of DisposeRx, I set to work on proper medication disposal! Here are a few of my thoughts:

  1. It was easy! The DisposeRx instructions are simple to follow – just add the packet of powder and water to the medications and shake for 30 seconds. 
  2. It was quick! When I started, I had more than 10 bottles of medications to get through, but the entire process took me less than 15 minutes from start to finish. And this includes the time it took me to read the instructions since it was my first time using the product!

  1. It was fun! I’m a bit of a science nerd, but hear me out… Not only is DisposeRx quick and easy to use, but it was a small flashback to the science experiments that we got to do in freshman microbiology class.

  1. It was safe! The quick and easy process was safe for me, but also resulted in a safer home for our guests.

If you’re like me and you have the start of an episode of “Hoarders” taking place in your bathroom cabinet, ask your pharmacist or visit DisposeRx online to purchase packets to properly dispose of your unused medications. Not only will your home be safer, but you’ll also have more space for all those extra toothpastes.

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