DisposeRx Direct, LLC Launches Online Store for Medication Disposal Packets

SANFORD, NC – August 2, 2021 – DisposeRx packets are now available for purchase through DisposeRx Direct’s e-commerce site. DisposeRx Direct, LLC, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DisposeRx, Inc.

DisposeRx first launched in January 2018 with a go-to-market strategy focused on a business-to-business approach. Since then, the network has grown to include 34,000 pharmacies, hospitals, health plans and many other stakeholders, including more than 350 community non-profits. 

“Our partners have purchased DisposeRx packets as part of their opioid stewardship initiatives to educate patients about the risks associated with keeping unused opioids in the home,” said William Simpson, DisposeRx president and CEO. “Now that patients—consumers—have seen how convenient and easy it is to use our patented product to dispose of opioids in their homes, they want the opportunity to buy from us directly so that they can dispose of other medications as well. We are thrilled to provide them with an e-commerce option.”

Products available on the online store include a 30-count box of DisposeRx packets, as well as a 100-count box and 1,200-count shipper.

About DisposeRx Packets

DisposeRx at-home medication disposal packets are comprised of materials that are FDA-approved for oral medications and provide a simple, convenient and effective solution for the disposal of unused or expired medications. The active ingredient in the medication is chemically and physically sequestered in a polymer gel when water and the DisposeRx powder are added to a prescription vial and shaken. Patients can use the patented product with pills, tablets, capsules, liquids and powders and can then throw away the vial in the household trash.

About DisposeRx, Inc.

DisposeRx, Inc., a North Carolina-based company, is dedicated to decreasing the risks of drug diversion, overdoses, suicides, accidental poisonings and antibiotic resistance by facilitating medication safety behavior change and eradicating the misuse of leftover medications. DisposeRx’s market-leading, patented medication disposal packets and education programs are currently available at 60% of retail pharmacies, 90% of wholesale distributors, and through health plans and provider organizations across the U.S. For more information, visit DisposeRx.com.

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